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Image by Jon Flobrant


Please note this page is a work in progress. Additional project examples to come.

Water Resources Projects

Water Resources Management, Olympic Valley, California

Sean Culkin acted as project manager and lead groundwater modeler for the local public service district, as well as local property development projects undergoing the EIR process. He represented the client at public-facing meetings, performed groundwater model calibration and used the model to support water supply planning for the client. He successfully developed criteria for estimating long-term maximum groundwater supply within the valley that refined and improved on previous investigations. Sean evaluated local hydrogeology to assist developers with property dewatering and construction operations for a large resort hotel.

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Groundwater Supply Alternatives Analysis, Power Generation Facility, California

Sean Culkin was the lead hydrogeologist conducting an assessment of available groundwater resources for the cooling operations of an active power station operated by a Northern California utility. He worked with geotechnical engineering teaming partners to characterize the local geology and groundwater flow system, and made updates to the existing site conceptual model. The result was a range of potential water supply alternatives and recommendations to the client for future water supply at the plant.


Water Budget Study, City of Oakland, California

Sean Culkin developed a novel analytical tool to estimate average water demand for city parks based on landscaping type and evapotranspiration data. The estimated values were generally corroborated by water use data from the city, and results were used to inform future water use strategies.


Groundwater Resources Management, Santa Cruz County, California

Sean Culkin provided technical oversight for a group of public clients utilizing a shared groundwater resource within Santa Cruz County. He coordinated with environmental impact report team of consultants and agencies for planned supplemental water supply projects within the basin. Sean authored documents pursuant to the California SGMA that resulted in acceptance of basin boundary modifications by the California Department of Water Resources and promoted sustainable groundwater management through basin consolidation. He led the construction of groundwater models in conjunction with the U.S. Geological Survey and made presentations to the basin Technical Advisory Committee. He also used site-specific flow and transport models to evaluate impact of seawater intrusion, resulting in updated management objectives for the basin that improved on previous methods.


Groundwater Discharge Study, Confidential Client, Hawaii

Sean Culkin developed groundwater models to simulate groundwater flow and seawater intrusion dynamics in a coastal volcanic aquifer. These models were used to assess the ecological risk of heated wastewater discharged to the offshore habitat. This work was performed in support of discharge permitting for a proposed bioenergy facility.


Litigation Support Projects

Millennium Tower Litigation Support, San Francisco, California

Sean Culkin was retained as an expert hydrogeologist on a team of geotechnical and structural engineers supporting litigation related to this high-profile residential development in downtown San Francisco that was undergoing settlement and tilting. Sean constructed site-specific 3- dimensional geologic models as well as groundwater models for analysis of local hydrogeology and the impact of construction dewatering on the building. He gave formal presentations of technical findings to the mediation groups, and quickly developed a detailed conceptual site model of the downtown San Francisco groundwater basin. Sean worked closely with the geotechnical engineer partners to develop a 3-dimensional time history of subsurface material property changes in the vicinity of the building. These efforts contributed to a favorable settlement for the property developer.


Microplastics Fate and Transport Evaluation, Confidential Location, Northern California

Sean Culkin evaluated the potential fate and transport of microplastics from telecommunications infrastructure based on research and site investigation. This expert work resulted in a favorable outcome for the telecom client to continue project planning and construction.


Groundwater Investigation, Private Farm Client, Santa Cruz County, California

Sean Culkin designed and led a groundwater pumping well test, stream/aquifer interaction, and sampling investigation in response to state and coastal commission inquiries regarding groundwater-surface water interactions on private agricultural property in Santa Cruz County. His work and associated documentation resulted in successful resolution with the state for the farmer.


Comingled Groundwater Plume, Confidential Location, Delaware

Sean Culkin was retained to provide expert opinion on the allocation of damages from a large, comingled groundwater plume where the municipal water supply wells had been impacted by metals. He developed a detailed time-history of plume development and migration from multiple source areas, using empirical and groundwater model data sources. Sean has made recommendations for refined allocation metrics and authored associated supporting technical documentation. Case ongoing.


Contaminant Mass Loading Analysis, Portland Harbor Superfund Site, Portland, Oregon

Sean Culkin authored an expert report for allocation of contaminant mass deposited in Willamette River sediment. He worked with counsel to refine and redevelop a complex fate and transport conceptual site model of interconnected surface water and groundwater pathways at this multiparty site. He also developed a model for estimating mass loading of key contaminants from surface water runoff to Portland Harbor and authored expert report documentation of model results.


PFAS Litigation Support, Various Locations, United States

Sean Culkin has provided technical analysis of PFAS fate and transport in the vicinity of various industrial facilities and large municipal water suppliers for confidential litigation efforts. He has reviewed hydrologic data and developed analytical models to calculate riverine contaminant flux time histories. Sean has also performed aquifer characterization and used groundwater models to analyze the fate and transport of PFAS from industrial production facilities.


Environmental Projects

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Groundwater Remediation Projects, various locations in California and Nevada

Sean Culkin has over a decade of experience providing specialty technical services to the Army Corps via a longstanding partnership with 8(a) contractors. He has worked on several current and former military facilities, including Fort Ord, Sharpe Army Depot, Riverbank Army Ammunition Plant, and Hawthorne Army Depot. His work has included construction of calibrated flow and transport models within several regional aquifer systems. He has used groundwater models as the basis for a groundwater model optimization effort to maximize the effectiveness of extraction/injection remedy operations. He routinely uses models to perform capture zone analysis to assess ongoing treatment system performance, as well as fate and transport models to demonstrate long-term migration of contaminants. Sean has authored numerous technical documents for the Army Corps, and has provided technical presentations to the varied stakeholder groups at these facilities.


RCRA Corrective Action, Confidential Client, Brunswick, GA

Sean Culkin led the conceptual model update related to fate and transport from an industrial facility. He developed transport models to assist the project team’s reinterpretation of groundwater flow and offsite migration of VOCs for a revised corrective action approach. He updated the previous consultant’s model to more accurately simulate coastal aquifer dynamics.


Former Wood Treating Facilities, Various Locations, United States

Sean Culkin acted as the lead hydrogeologist for a number of former wood treating sites owned by the Greenfield Environmental Trust Group. These comprised a number of geologic settings, including riparian, coastal, and shallow karst environments. Sean developed site characterization work plans for feasibility studies and data gaps analyses. He prepared technical documentation on the fate and transport of dense nonaqueous-phase liquid and remediation feasibility. Sean also developed site-specific groundwater models to assess fate and transport of PAHs and support remedy alternative design. He provided specialized technical oversight and guidance to the Trust and local consultant teaming partners.


Geotechnical Projects

Upland Hydrogeology Consulting

PO Box 550756

South Lake Tahoe, CA 96155

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